“The power to CREATE or DESTROY everything in our lives as MEN is generated in the CONNECTIONS with ourselves and others.”
“The power to CREATE or DESTROY everything in our lives as MEN is generated in the CONNECTIONS with ourselves and others.”
Silent Suffering - You Are Not Alone. Get connected locally with peers and shine new light on the issues you’re facing.
When you’re lost in the fog it can be difficult to find MEANING & PURPOSE. Coaching can give direction.
Get your copy of the Man Card manual. Everything you need to understand yourself, why your life is what it is, and how to change it all.
This is the actual course experience to dramatically develop your true self and true potential. Learn to make your actions thunder.
Separation is a lie. The modern man has been spoon fed the idea that we are separate or monadic. We are separate from each other. We are separate from God. That we are individuals – an island unto ourselves. We disconnect from our true selves to serve others. Consider now the absolute destructive power of disconnection.
No matter where you are, physically or mentally, you can connect with Stand By Me to start changing everything. Every great journey begins with the first step. Are you planning for ONE DAY or your DAY ONE? Stop waiting and get connected TODAY.